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Fan Tribute Reminds Us Just How Good Breaking Bad Was

If you’re not already a fan of Breaking Bad, odds are you have someone in your life a bit like me. I’m one of those people who will spend the rest of their days trying to convince you to watch possibly the greatest TV series ever made. Every time the subject of good TV comes up, I concoct new pitches that will make you finally take the plunge. I’ll offer up my complete series in the black barrel. I even offer to sit down and re-watch it with you, promising myself to hold back the feeling of smug satisfaction I’ll get watching you exhale, shaking the cobwebs from your brain upon realizing that every excuse you ever made kept you away from true enlightenment (and that I was right all along – so very, very right).

Fan Alexandre Gasulla has cobbled together a breathtaking, professionally edited Breaking Bad tribute video featuring clips and dialogue, most notably from star Bryan Cranston’s “Ozymandias” speech, that truly stuns, giving fans the goosebumps we’ve missed since the show ended last year. For people who have never seen Breaking Bad, this is a primer for the tone and depth of character and storytelling you can expect from the series, without giving away hardly any spoilers. Yes, there are a few iconic moments peppered throughout the video, but without context, there is no way to know what they mean or how they’ll resolve. For example, you might see a character holding a gun, but you don’t see who is on the other end of the barrel or if the trigger is pulled. And who knows, some of these moments depicted might not be real moments at all. They could just be in the character’s minds. If you haven’t watched the show, there’s really no way for you to know until you watch it (there I go again).

But if you have experienced the show from end to end, you’ll see this video as the humble masterpiece it is, gathering the threads of sorrow, desperation, and terror that overtook Walter White’s life with every bad decision he made for every good reason.

I can’t stop watching it. Maybe I should just crack open that big barrel of Blu-Rays and watch it all over again, reluctant viewers watching it at my side or not.

Image: AMC TV


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